Course Listings with Outcomes
- CSC 110 - Computer Science Principles - The Beauty and Joy of Computing
- CSC 111 - Introduction to Computing - Python
- CSC 113 - Introduction to Computing - MATLAB
- CSC 116 - Introduction to Computing - Java
- CSC 216 - Software Development Fundamentals
- CSC 217 - Software Development Fundamentals Lab
- CSC 226 - Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists
- CSC 230 - C and Software Tools
- CSC 236 - Computer Organization and Assembly Language for Computer Scientists
- CSC 246 - Concepts and Facilities of Operating Systems for Computer Scientists
- CSC 281 - Foundations of Interactive Game Design
- CSC 295 - Special Topics in Computer Science
- CSC 297 - Cybersecurity Topics
- CSC 298 - Introduction to Computer Science Research Methods
- CSC 299 - Mentored Research in Computer Science
- CSC 302 - Introduction to Numerical Methods
- CSC 316 - Data Structures and Algorithms
- CSC 326 - Software Engineering
- CSC 333 - Automata, Grammars, and Computability
- CSC 342 - Applied Web-based Client-Server Computing
- CSC 379 - Ethics in Computing
- CSC 401 - Data and Computer Communications Networks
- CSC 402 - Networking Lab
- CSC 405 - Computer Security
- CSC 406 - Architecture of Parallel Computers
- CSC 411 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- CSC 412 - Compiler Construction
- CSC 414 - Foundations of Cryptography
- CSC 415 - Software Security
- CSC 416 - Introduction to Combinatorics
- CSC 417 - Theory of Programming Languages
- CSC 422 - Automated Learning and Data Analysis
- CSC 427 - Introduction to Numerical Analysis I
- CSC 428 - Introduction to Numerical Analysis II
- CSC 431 - File Organization and Processing
- CSC 433 - Privacy in the Digital Age
- CSC 440 - Database Management Systems
- CSC 442 - Introduction to Data Science
- CSC 447 - Introduction to Cloud Computing
- CSC 450 - Web Services
- CSC 453 - Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) Systems
- CSC 454 - Human-Computer Interaction
- CSC 455 - Social Computing and Decentralized Artificial Intelligence
- CSC 456 - Computer Architecture and Multiprocessors
- CSC 461 - Computer Graphics
- CSC 462 - Advanced Computer Graphics Projects
- CSC 467 - Multimedia Technology
- CSC 471 - Modern Topics in Cybersecurity
- CSC 472 - Cybersecurity Projects
- CSC 474 - Network Security
- CSC 481 - Game Engine Foundations
- CSC 482 - Advanced Computer Game Projects
- CSC 484 - Building Game AI
- CSC 486 - Computational Visual Narrative
- CSC 492 - Senior Design Project
- CSC 495 - Special Topics in Computer Science
- CSC 498 - Independent Study in Computer Science
- CSC 499 - Independent Research in Computer Science
- E 115 - Introduction to Computing Environments
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