Course Coordinators & Course Learning Outcomes

To see course learning outcomes, click on a course link.

Coordinator Course Course Title
Thomas Price CSC 110 Computer Science Principles - The Beauty and Joy of Computing
Shuyin Jiao CSC 111 Introduction to Computing - Python
Lina Battestilli CSC 113 Introduction to Computing - MATLAB
Suzanne Balik CSC 116 Introduction to Computing - Java
Sarah Heckman CSC 216 Software Development Fundamentals
Sarah Heckman CSC 217 Software Development Fundamentals Lab
Jessica Schmidt CSC 226 Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists
David Sturgill CSC 230 C and Software Tools
Alexandros Kapravelos CSC 236 Computer Organization and Assembly Language for Computer Scientists
David Sturgill CSC 246 Concepts and Facilities of Operating Systems for Computer Scientists
Alexander Card CSC 281 Foundations of Interactive Game Design
Sarah Heckman CSC 295 Special Topics in Computer Science
Sarah Heckman CSC 297 Cybersecurity Topics
Sarah Heckman CSC 298 Introduction to Computer Science Research Methods
Sarah Heckman CSC 299 Mentored Research in Computer Science
Matthias Stallmann CSC 302 Introduction to Numerical Methods
Jason King CSC 316 Data Structures and Algorithms
Kathryn Stolee CSC 326 Software Engineering
Donald Sheehy CSC 333 Automata, Grammars, and Computability
Ignacio Dominguez CSC 342 Applied Web-based Client-Server Computing
David Wright CSC 379 Ethics in Computing
Lina Battestilli CSC 401 Data and Computer Communications Networks
ECE CSC 402 Networking Lab
Alexandros Kapravelos CSC 405 Computer Security
ECE CSC 406 Architecture of Parallel Computers
Kathryn Stolee CSC 408 Software Product Management
Collin Lynch CSC 411 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Xipeng Shen CSC 412 Compiler Construction
Alessandra Scafuro CSC 414 Foundations of Cryptography
Jason King CSC 415 Software Security
MA CSC 416 Introduction to Combinatorics
Jamie Jennings CSC 417 Theory of Programming Languages
Min Chi CSC 422 Automated Learning and Data Analysis
MA CSC 427 Introduction to Numerical Analysis I
MA CSC 428 Introduction to Numerical Analysis II
Rada Chirkova CSC 431 File Organization and Processing
Anupam Das CSC 433 Privacy in the Digital Age
Rada Chirkova CSC 440 Database Management Systems
Rada Chirkova CSC 442 Introduction to Data Science
Not currently offered CSC 447 Introduction to Cloud Computing
Munindar P. Singh CSC 450 Web Services
Rudra Dutta CSC 453 Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) Systems
Noboru Matsuda CSC 454 Human-Computer Interaction
Munindar P. Singh CSC 455 Social Computing and Decentralized Artificial Intelligence
Not currently offered CSC 456 Computer Architecture and Multiprocessors
Christopher Healey CSC 461 Computer Graphics
Ben Watson CSC 462 Advanced Computer Graphics Projects
Not currently offered CSC 467 Multimedia Technology
Sarah Heckman CSC 471 Modern Topics in Cybersecurity
Sarah Heckman CSC 472 Cybersecurity Projects
Bradley Reaves CSC 474 Network Security
David Roberts CSC 481 Game Engine Foundations
David Roberts CSC 482 Advanced Computer Game Projects
David Roberts CSC 484 Building Game AI
Arnav Jhala CSC 486 Computational Visual Narrative
Margaret Heil CSC 492 Senior Design Project
Sarah Heckman CSC 495 Special Topics in Computer Science
Sarah Heckman CSC 498 Independent Study in Computer Science
Sarah Heckman CSC 499 Independent Research in Computer Science
Abida Haque E 115 Introduction to Computing Environments