Undergraduate Program - Concentration in Game Development

The Department of Computer Science offers a concentration in game development to undergraduate students majoring in Computer Science at NC State. The game development concentration allows the student to develop an understanding of the scientific and technological principles associated with the design and development of computer and console games for both entertainment and serious applications. Current CSC BS students may apply to the Game Development Concentration after passing through several courses. The application is available here.

North Carolina Now Segment on NC Video Games
Objectives of the Concentration in Game Development
The objectives of concentration are to:

  • graduate skilled computer scientists with deep knowledge in the algorithms, processes and technologies used to make games
  • balance training in the technologies of games with the same breadth in Computer Science instruction as all Computer Science students
  • provide students with a a multi-disciplinary view of game creation by requiring specific courses from other disciplines that contribute to the process of game creation
Program of Study

Students take all courses required for the CSC major. Concentration course selection for Restricted and Other Electives is constrained to focus on specific courses directly related to game design and development. Specifically, all students pursuing the concentration must take both CSC 461, Computer Graphics, and CSC 481, Game Design and Development. Further, students must take either one of the Advanced Game Projects. Students must select two additional CSC courses from the CSC Games Restricted Elective list.

Games Restricted Electives

Students pursuing the Game Development Concentration must select their Games Restricted Electives from a select list. These are different than the "Other Restricted Electives" required for the CSC major.

Click Here For Semester-by-Semester Curriculum


Curriculum Requirements for B.S. in Computer Science: Game Development Concentration

For more information, interested students should contact the appropriate advisor as listed on the topic chart here: go.ncsu.edu/cscadvising

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