Seminars & Colloquia

Sarah Harmon

Bowdoin College

"Exploring Stereotypic Images of Computational Creativity"

Monday June 17, 2019 10:00 AM
Location: 53000, Venture 2 NCSU Centennial Campus
(Visitor parking instructions)

This talk is part of the Future of Games Series


Abstract: Computational creativity is a blossoming field that can help us view computer science through an interdisciplinary lens. As we continue to perfect how we teach and conduct research in computational creativity, it is important to study how others perceive and describe the field and its researchers. If misconceptions or stereotypes exist, we must first identify their presence and root causes so to best address them. This talk serves as a first step in that regard by presenting initial findings of student perceptions of computational creativity.
Short Bio: Dr. Harmon is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Bowdoin College, where she directs the Conscientious Intelligence Lab. Her research interests include how computational creativity and human-computer interaction can improve aspects of our daily lives.

Host: Arnav Jhala, CSC

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