Seminars & Colloquia
Colloquia in this series are a forum for visiting researchers from academia and industry as well as for NCSU faculty. The research topics introduced by the speakers may span all areas of computer science. In addition, we also co-host the talks in the complementary Triangle Computer Science Distinguished Lecturer Series, the Database Musings Seminar Series, the Labcorp 'Leadership in Technology' Speaker Series, the Systems Research Seminar Series, and selected topics from the Bioinformatics Seminar Series.
Faculty, students, and off-campus visitors are invited to attend any colloquia listed on these pages.
To see your Seminar Attendance Dashboard, click here
Colloquia may be held either on the Historical NCSU Campus or on the NCSU Centennial Campus. For abstract and specifics about the time and the place of any talk, please see the current list of scheduled seminars.
For additional information about the colloquia in this series, please see
- To see documentation for seminar checkin proctors, click here
- Submit/schedule a colloquia seminar here (requires University Unity login)
- Complete list of Triangle Computer Science Distinguished Lecturers since 1995
- Schedules and abstracts of talks from previous years, including some PowerPoint slides and RealVideo archives
- Information about parking (for off-campus visitors only)
- Checklists for faculty hosts of scheduled seminars
- Information for faculty hosts and potential speakers
- Semester break and holiday periods, etc.
Other Seminars and Calendars
Questions and suggestions? Please contact
- Feb 13, 25: AI & Healthcare
- Feb 13, 25: AI and Healthcare
- Feb 21, 25: Optimizing Software Development Reliability and Efficiency