Seminars & Colloquia

Joel Gottlieb


"Introduction to the Physics of D-Wave and Comparison To Gate Model"

Tuesday March 20, 2018 11:45 AM
Location: 1010, EB1 NCSU Centennial Campus
(Visitor parking instructions)


Abstract: Google announces 72 qubits... D-Wave has 2000 qubits. What's the difference? In more detail: What is the difference between gate model quantum computing and quantum annealing? We will introduce the physics of both gate model and quantum annealing machines, and discuss some similarities and differences.
Short Bio: Dr. Joel M. Gottlieb joined D-Wave in January 2016 as Senior Pre-Sales Analyst, after 20 years in and out of AT&T and AT&T Research. He earned a Ph. D from University of Wisconsin--Madison in condensed matter physics, after graduating from the University of Michigan. At D-Wave, he focuses mainly on getting new people onto the quantum computer, and also does research in finding basic problems which show the power of the computer. He loves learning new subjects and new technology, and also enjoys talking music.

Host: Frank Mueller, CSC

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