Seminars & Colloquia
Richard Tychansky
Security Architect, Identity Dynamics Corp
"The Drive towards Post-Quantum Computing Resistant Cryptographic Algorithm Standardization"
Wednesday November 15, 2023 06:30 PM
Location: 1231, EB2
(Visitor parking instructions)
This talk is part of the Labcorp Leadership inTechnology Speakers Series
You are now exiting the “Twilight Zone”. Access to Quantum Processing Units (QPUs) and native algorithms written in Qiskit are now a reality and it will soon put Internet commerce at risk for decryption. Running Shor’s algorithm to factor RSA is as easy as running native code on a quantum computing provider’s platform. This is the brave new world where RSA and Diffie-Hellman will no longer be trusted for Internet commerce.
In this session we will examine the NIST candidate algorithms for public-key encryption, key-establishment algorithms and digital signatures. We will build an understanding of how each of the algorithms work and their susceptibility to different forms of cryptanalysis. Find out which algorithm is most resistant to cryptanalysis and how to prepare for the drive to strategically modernization cryptographic infrastructures.
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