CSC News

April 19, 2017

Barnes Receives Award to Support Research Experiences for Undergrads

Dr. Tiffany Barnes, associate professor of computer science at NC State University, has been awarded $359,997 by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to support her research proposal entitled “REU Site:  Socially Relevant Computing and Analytics.”
The award will run from March 1, 2017 to February 29, 2020. 
Abstract – The REU Site at NC State University will immerse a diverse group of undergraduates in a vibrant research community of faculty and graduate students building and analyzing cutting-edge human-centric applications including games, tutors, and mobile apps. We will recruit students from underrepresented groups and colleges and universities with limited research opportunities through the STARS Computing Corps, an NSF-funded national consortium of institutions dedicated to broadening participation in computing. Using the Affinity Research Groups and STARS Training for REUs models, we will engage faculty and graduate student mentors with undergraduates to create a supportive culture of collaboration while promoting individual contributions to research through just-in-time training for both mentors and students throughout the summer.

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