CSC News
Bouterse and Perros Win Best Paper Award at CloudNet 2012

The winning paper, titled “Scheduling Cloud Capacity for Time-Varying Customer Demand,” benchmarks five different capacity planning models as-if executed on two years of historic VCL data, and synthetic workloads, to explore the blocking probability and wasted-hour performance of each model. Model metrics are summarized into a composite metric to compare overall performance. To read the award-winning paper, click here.
Bouterse and Perros are grateful to the staff of the Virtual Computing Lab at NC State for providing data for their research.
About CloudNet 2012: Cloud computing has emerged as a promising direction for cost-efficient and reliable service delivery across data communication networks. The dynamic location of service facilities and the virtualization of hardware and software elements are stressing the communication network and protocols, especially when datacenters are interconnected through the Internet. Although the "computing" aspects of Cloud technologies have been largely investigated, lower attention has been devoted to the "networking" and communications aspects. The 2012 IEEE 1st International Conference on Cloud Networking (IEEE CloudNet 2012), part of the IEEE Cloud Computing Initiative, precisely addresses these aspects.
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