
Steffen Heber is a full professor in the Department of Computer Science. He has a joint appointment between the Department of Computer Science and the College of Sciences to support the Bioinformatics Research Center (BRC) at NCSU. Dr. Heber has studied mathematics and biology at the University of Heidelberg in Germany. He has received  his PhD while working at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) under the supervision of Martin Vingron and Joerg Hoheisel. After postdoctoral research with Pavel Pevzner at UCSD he has joined NCSU in 2003. His research focuses on bioinformatics and computational biology. Dr. Heber develops algorithms for analysis, summarization, and quality control of complex biological data. His research interests include data-driven storytelling, gene transcription and alternative splicing, translation, nature-inspired computation, and common intervals.

Research Areas

  • Advanced Learning Technologies
  • Algorithms and Theory of Computation
  • Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Agents
  • Data Sciences and Analytics
  • Graphics, Human Computer Interaction, & User Experience
  • Scientific and High Performance Computing


  • 2001 Ph.D. in Mathematics, title: Algorithms for Physical Mapping.
  • 1998 Staatsexamen in mathematics and biology.
  • 1995 Diploma in mathematics, title: Additive Periodizitaet bei Nim-Spielen.

CSC Fall Courses

  • CSC 505-001 LEC Dsgn Analys Algorith   MW 4:30pm-5:45pm   Room: 1103 James B Hunt Jr Centenni

  • CSC 505-002 LEC Dsgn Analys Algorith   MW 6:00pm-7:15pm   Room: 2124 Engineering Building 3

  • CSC 505-601 LEC Dsgn Analys Algorith      Room: Distance Education - Online

  • CSC 600-001 LEC CSC Grad Orient   F 12:50pm-1:40pm   Room: 1025 Engineering Building 2

  • CSC 600-002 LEC CSC Grad Orient   F 12:50pm-1:40pm   Room: 1021 Engineering Building 2

  • CSC 600-003 LEC CSC Grad Orient   F 12:50pm-1:40pm   Room: 1231 Engineering Building 2


  • Carol Miller Graduate Lecturer Award - 2018 and 2013
  • Thank a Teacher Recognition Letter - Fall 2016 (2 nominations), Spring 2015 (3 nominations), Fall 2014, Fall 2013, Spring 2013
  • IBM Faculty Award - 2008
  • One of the “RASS” Top Ten Papers Advancing the Science of Risk Assessment - 2007
  • Best Paper Award, ACMSE - 2007
  • Faculty Research and Professional Development Award, NC State University - 2006
  • Travel Award, ISCB - 2002
  • Best Poster Award, DKFZ Poster Presentation - 2000
  • Diploma passed with distinction - 1995
  • Baccalaureate exam passed with distinction - 1987
  • 1st Place, Baden-Wuerttemberg Mathematics Contest - 1986