
Ruozhou Yu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at NC State University. Ruozhou's research interests are broadly in the areas of computer networks, distributed systems and cybersecurity. His current research is focused on building high-performance, robust and usable systems for smart and connected communities, stemming from the Internet-of-Things, cloud and edge computing, wireless and mobile networks, security and privacy, data analytics and machine learning, the blockchain, and quantum networks. He is also working on the anonymity, scalability and applicability of blockchain-based systems, such as layer-2 channel networks, smart contracts, etc. Besides these, Ruozhou has worked on incentive mechanisms, crowdsourcing and mobile crowdsensing, data center networking, software-defined networking, wireless networks, quantum networking, distributed machine learning, etc. The long term goal of Ruozhou's research is both to advance theoretical knowledge in large-scale connected systems including modeling and learning, algorithms, optimization, theories of games, and provable security, and to design and develop high-performance, robust and usable systems that will turn into practical innovations.

Research Areas

  • Algorithms and Theory of Computation
  • Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Agents
  • Cloud Computing
  • Cyber Security
  • Embedded and Real-Time Systems
  • Networking and Performance Evaluation
  • Parallel and Distributed Systems


Ph.D., 2019, Arizona State University
B.S., 2013, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

CSC Fall Courses

  • CSC 573-001 LEC Internet Protocols   MW 1:30pm-2:45pm   Room: 2115 Fitts-Woolard Hall


Available at Google Scholar, DBLP, or Ruozhou's Homepage.