
Jiajia Li is an Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science at North Carolina State University (NCSU), Raleigh, NC. Her research emphasizes on high performance computing with a focus on the interaction among applications, numerical methods, data structures, algorithms, automatic performance tuning, and computer architectures. She is eager to pursue high performance sparse (multi-)linear algebra, solvers, and tensor decompositions for large-scale data analytics and domain applications on diverse computer architectures.

Jiajia Li was an Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science at the College of William & Mary (W&M), Williamsburg, VA and a Research Scientist at High Performance Computing group of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA from 2018-2022. She has received her Ph.D. degree (Aug. 2018) in Computational Science & Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology, advised by Professor Richard Vuduc. She has received Rising Stars in Computational and Data Sciences, Best Student Paper Award, and IBM PhD Fellowship. Before, she was a research intern of IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center and Intel Parallel Computing Lab in the summers of 2016 and 2015 respectively. In the past, she has received a Ph.D. degree (Jul. 2013) from Institute of Computing Technology at Chinese Academy of Sciences. She received her B.S. (Jul. 2008) in Computational Mathematics from Dalian University of Technology in the Accelerated Student Program (2/180). 

Please feel free to drop me an email @ if you have questions about CS PhD program, research collaboration, research/career/international life suggestions, etc.

Office Hours: Tue 11am-12pm, 
Online via appointment

Research Areas

  • Architecture and Operating Systems
  • Parallel and Distributed Systems
  • Scientific and High Performance Computing


  • PhD (2018) Georgia Institute of technology
  • PhD (2013) University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • BS (2008) Dalian University of Technology

CSC Fall Courses

  • CSC 591-126 LEC SP Topic CSC - Parallel Algorithms   F 8:30am-11:15am   Room: 1212 Engineering Building 2

  • CSC 791-126 LEC Advncd Topics CSC - Parallel Algorithms   F 8:30am-11:15am   Room: 1212 Engineering Building 2

  • CSC 801-002 PRB Sem Computer Sci   F 12:00pm-12:50pm   Room: 1226 Engineering Building 2


  • The 39th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD’21) Best Paper Award - 2021
  • Rising Stars for Women in Computational and Data Sciences - 2019
  • Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming. (PPoPP’19) Best Paper Award Finalist - 2019
  • ACM/IEEE International Conference for High-Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC’18) Best Student Paper Award - 2018
  • IBM PhD Fellowship - 2017-2018.
  • ZhuLiYueHua Award for the Excellent PhD Students of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Top 0.2%) - 2013
  • Xia Peisu Scholarship of Institute of Computing Technology (Top 1%) - 2011