CSC News

December 22, 2009

Singh Receives Award to Study Tactical Networks

Dr. Munindar Singh, professor of computer science at NC State University, has been awarded $669,029 by Penn State University (Army Research Laboratory) to support his research proposal titled “Quality of Information-Aware Networks for Tactical Applications (QUANTA)”.

The award will run from September 28, 2009 to September 27, 2014.
Abstract - This project will develop a computational approach to trust geared toward enhancing the quality of information in tactical networks. In particular, this project will develop a trust model that takes into account various objective and subjective qualities of service as well as the social relationships among the parties involved in a network that originate, propagate, or consume information. The proposed approach will build an ontology for quality of information and its constituent qualities, and will expand existing probabilistic techniques to multi-valued settings. The project will develop a prototype software module that realizes the techniques for producing trust assessments regarding the information exchanged.

For more information on Dr. Singh, click here.


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