CSC News

May 23, 2008

Heber Receives Award to Study Bioinformatics Education

Dr. Steffen Heber, assistant professor of computer science at NC State University, has been awarded $80,146 by the NC Biotechnology Center to fund his research proposal titled “Enhancing Bioinformatics Education.”

The award will run from May 16, 2008 through May 15, 2009.

Research Abstract - Due to its interdisciplinary nature and rapid pace, Bioinformatics is a challenging task for students and teachers.  Despite many excellent textbooks and tutorials, there are hardly any supplementary educational tools such as visualizations, animations, or simulation games available.  We will address this lack of resources by developing a library of animations for Bioinformatics algorithms and applications, organizing a symposium about Bioinformatics Education with focus on educational tools, and developing an online Bioinformatics education resource portal.

For more information about Dr. Heber and his research, click here.

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