CSC News
Fidelity Investments to Sponsor Leadership Speakers Series
In conjunction with its 40th Year Celebration this fall, the Department of Computer Science at NC State University is very pleased to announce the launch of the Fidelity Investments “Leadership in Technology” Executive Speakers Series.
The executive speakers series, which has been made possible during the 2007-08 academic year as a result of a generous $25,000 gift from Fidelity Investments, is expected to feature five to six high-profile technology-focused business leaders throughout the year.
According to Ken Tate, Director of Development & External Relations for the department, the series is an outgrowth of a very popular executive seminar-based course created a few years ago. “Our ‘Leadership in Technology’ course was one of our students’ most popular courses,” says Tate. “Making this transition allows us to reach a much larger audience and have a greater impact on the lives of our students.”
Dr. Mladen Vouk, Head of the Department of Computer Science, comments, “We are so grateful to Fidelity Investments for making this series possible. As their presence in the Research Triangle Park grows, this is a strong statement to their partnership commitment with our department.”
Vouk adds, “In an ever-changing technology landscape, it takes special leadership skills to survive. As we celebrate our 40th year as a department this year, and look forward to an exciting future where technology will continue to touch every phase of our lives, it is imperative that we understand and embrace the unique leadership skills required to compete and thrive in an ever-flattening world.”
Stephen Scullen, President of Fidelity eBusiness, will serve as the first executive speaker for the Fidelity Investments “Leadership in Technology” Executive Speakers Series. This inaugural talk will take place on Tuesday, September 11th at 6 pm in Room 1025 of EBII on Centennial Campus.
The fall schedule will also include Matthew Szulik, CEO and President of Red Hat (October 16th), and Frank Plastina, CEO of Tekelec (November 14th).
All talks will be delivered at EBII, the new home of the department of computer science on Centennial Campus. They will be free and open to the public.
For more information, consult the Fidelity Investments “Leadership in Technology” Executive Speakers Series page or contact:
Ken Tate
Director of Development & External Relations
NC State Department of Computer Science

According to Ken Tate, Director of Development & External Relations for the department, the series is an outgrowth of a very popular executive seminar-based course created a few years ago. “Our ‘Leadership in Technology’ course was one of our students’ most popular courses,” says Tate. “Making this transition allows us to reach a much larger audience and have a greater impact on the lives of our students.”
Dr. Mladen Vouk, Head of the Department of Computer Science, comments, “We are so grateful to Fidelity Investments for making this series possible. As their presence in the Research Triangle Park grows, this is a strong statement to their partnership commitment with our department.”
Vouk adds, “In an ever-changing technology landscape, it takes special leadership skills to survive. As we celebrate our 40th year as a department this year, and look forward to an exciting future where technology will continue to touch every phase of our lives, it is imperative that we understand and embrace the unique leadership skills required to compete and thrive in an ever-flattening world.”
Stephen Scullen, President of Fidelity eBusiness, will serve as the first executive speaker for the Fidelity Investments “Leadership in Technology” Executive Speakers Series. This inaugural talk will take place on Tuesday, September 11th at 6 pm in Room 1025 of EBII on Centennial Campus.
The fall schedule will also include Matthew Szulik, CEO and President of Red Hat (October 16th), and Frank Plastina, CEO of Tekelec (November 14th).
All talks will be delivered at EBII, the new home of the department of computer science on Centennial Campus. They will be free and open to the public.
For more information, consult the Fidelity Investments “Leadership in Technology” Executive Speakers Series page or contact:
Ken Tate
Director of Development & External Relations
NC State Department of Computer Science
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