CSC News

September 22, 2006

Ning Receives Grant from SRI International

Dr. Peng Ning has received funding from SRI International of approximately $80,000 to support his research proposal titled “Cyber-TA: NCSU: Large-Scale Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Intrusion Analysis.”

The award will run from July 1, 2006 through July 14, 2007.

Research Abstract - We will focus on one thrust of research in the Cyber-TA initiative. We will explore practical schemes for Internet-scale collaborative sharing of sensitive information security log content, while providing extensive guarantees for contributor anonymity. Cyber-TA will enable much greater content sharing of even the most sensitive system and security log content, allowing contributors to release "rich-content" (anonymized) alert information that can enable new directions in ultra-larges-scale repository correlation.

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