CSC News
CSC Faculty and Staff Begin Move to EBII

The much anticipated move to Engineering Building II (EBII) on Centennial Campus has officially begun for Computer Science faculty and staff.
Those in Withers Hall were among the first to move, paving the way for a major renovation of Withers over the winter. Among those making the move in early November - the department's administrative staff, undergraduate advising, and the external relations staff. Scheduled moves for other faculty and staff will continue into early January.
Even as faculty and staff make their move to the new building, construction on EBII continues. Work is still underway on the atriums, the conference room area in the bridge connecting the two wings, and on the exterior terrace and brick pathways.
The building and all moves should be completed in early 2006, well in advance of the official dedication planned for April 28th.
Related links: CSC EBII Web site and EBII photo gallery
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