CSC News

April 25, 2005

UPE Honor Society Inducts New Members

NC State's chapter of the international computer science honor society, Upsilon Pi Epsilon (UPE), held its annual meeting and installation ceremony on April 3rd at the home of Joyce Hatch, Director of Advising. Carolyn Miller conducted the induction ceremony. Joyce served spareribs as well as her famous baklava. Sina Bahram, a new member, delighted the group with his piano playing.

According to the ACM website, UPE is the first—and only—existing international honor society in the computing and information disciplines, recognizing academic excellence at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Created in 1967 on the campus of Texas A&M University, UPE exists to promote the computing sciences and to encourage its contribution to the enhancement of knowledge. Over 120 institutions of higher learning around the world have established UPE chapters.

UPE membership eligibility requires that a student have at least 18 hours of computer science credit and a 3.5 GPA in those courses—plus a 3.0 GPA overall. All qualifying CSC students are invited to join. Membership requires a nominal one-time fee of $40. New members are recognized with a keypin and a certificate.

Congratulations to the following new UPE members for Spring 2005!

Marcus C. Armstrong Eric T. Lan
Sina Bahram Terence C. Maarschalkerweerd
Loyd C. Bowden, III Christina C. McCain
Philip J. Busby Stephen L. Miller
Graham T. Campbell Roger W. Murdoch, III
Adam A. Chandler Thomas L. Norwood
Kevin B. Damm William A. Ronke
Hayley M. Dawson Matthew P. Stokes
Bryan C. Dixon James A. Suddarth
Austin R. Frazier Paul H. Timmons
Michael C. Grace Kenneth W. Winters
Shandon W. Herring Ivan Fang Hao Yeh
Robert T. Kendig James Ryan Younce

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