CSC News

October 31, 2017

Scaling-up Scientific Data Analysis

Dr. Ranga Raju Vatsavai Associate Professor of Computer Science at NC State, has been awarded $14,990 by Oak Ridge National Laboratories.  This award supports his project, titled “Scaling Up Scientific Data Analysis,” which scales up scientific data analysis and machine learning algorithms for data-driven discovery.


Many scientific domains are generating ‘Big Data’ from newer instruments and finer resolution stimulations, creating the need for scalable analytical solutions. Building high-performance analytical workflows has proven to be a challenging task for a number of reasons.


The first problem that the scientific community is faced with is the ever-changing ‘Big Data’ hardware and software architecture landscape. A second issue is that newer architectures comes with new programming models and environments. Additionally, there is a gap in the understanding of data-parallel kernels in various machine learning algorithms and their performance on different architectures and programming environments.


In an effort to address these issues, NC State Computer Science faculty, Dr. Vatsavai and his team have conducted research on benchmarking core graph kernels and computing primitives in order to understand the scalability issues.


The total amount funded was $14,990, and the award ran from September 6, 2017 to September 30, 2017.



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