CSC News
CSC Department Welcomes 11 New Student Ambassadors

The Ambassador program was launched in 2012 with a select group of sophomores, juniors and seniors who serve as an extension of the department in support of its external relations and outreach efforts. Ambassadors are presented with a variety of representational and developmental opportunities throughout the year including University and College of Engineering Open Houses, the Computer Science ePartners Career Fair, Fidelity Investments Leadership in Technology Speakers Series, high school student/parent tours and more. By the very nature of the role, Student Ambassadors will be required to promote NC State University, the College of Engineering, the Department of Computer Science and the computer science discipline.
The 2014-15 CSC Student Ambassadors are (new ambassadors in bold):
Seniors – Andie Aldana, Keith Council, Jasmine Daniels, Anna Dubovitskaya, William Higgins, Ricky Hopper, Lauren Koepnick, Crystal Martin, Vatslav Orlov, Kshitij Parajuli, Dylan Perry, Nolan Piland, Bryce Pilcher, Vinaya Polamreddi, Jonathan Poston, Xavier Primus, Anya Raspopovic, Robert Shipley, Lara Stocks, Alexandria Vail and Jay Whitfield;
Juniors – Meredith Boatner, Remington Campbell, Mark DeMaria, Vanessa Frost, Michael Goff, Johnny Nguyen, and Laurel Timko.
“The CSC Ambassadors Program has proven to be a tremendous asset for the department!“ says Ken Tate, Director of Engagement and External Relations. According to Tate, the CSC Ambassadors worked 39 different events and accumulated more than 400 service hours during the 2013-14 academic year, up 34% over the previous year. Tate adds, “They serve as the student face of the department to hundreds of prospective students, parents and guests during the year, allowing us to significantly expand our outreach efforts. We are so very fortunate to have this talented group of students, and we greatly appreciate all they do for the department.”
All Student Ambassadors are matriculated CSC undergraduate majors at the sophomore level or higher. Applications and nominations are taken in the spring and the competitive selection process includes an interview and group feedback from a special mixer event. Ambassadors work in one-year terms, renewable until they graduate, at the discretion of the department leadership based on overall participation, performance and academic progress.
The CSC Ambassadors would like to extend their appreciation to their ePartner sponsors for the 2014-15 academic year including Belk, Blackbaud, Cisco, I-Cubed, Infusion, Interactive Intelligence, Premier, and Vanguard. Their support provides funds to cover special events, outreach-related travel, branded attire, service awards and a year-end recognition event. Sponsors have the opportunity to engage directly with the ambassadors group via structured opportunities such as dedicated mixers, panels, info sessions and/or development sessions.
Bios for each CSC Student Ambassador can be found here.
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