CSC News
Student Game Selected for I/ITSEC Serious Game Challenge
Terraform, a game built by students in Dr. R. Michael Young’s CSC482 Advanced Game Development Projects class last semester, has been selected as a finalist in the Student Category of the Serious Games Showcase and Challenge at the Interservice/Industry Training Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC 2010). The game, designed by Mark Birdsong, Sam Duvall, Jen Edwards, Josh Fairhurst, Kurt Hasian, Phil Monkowski and Robert Prince, will be shown at I/ITSEC 2010 to be held in Orlando, FL, November 29 - December 2, 2010.

To download Terraform, click here.
Finalists in the Serious Game Showcase & Challenge were selected by a panel of leaders in the gaming, industrial and academic fields. They are invited to showcase their serious game at I/ITSEC 2010 where over 17,000 attendees will view and vote on each of the entries. Awards will be presented to the top finishers in each category.
I/ITSEC is the largest industry conference focused on military simulation, training and serious games. The Serious Game Challenge is a competition held at the conference to identify innovative game-based technologies and solutions that improve training across all segments for individuals, groups and systems.
This is the second game from CSC482 that has been selected as a finalist in the I/ITSEC competition. A gaming project called Compound Reaction created by Joe France, Jess Frucht, Ryan Gerleve, Rhys Harwell, Matt Klawiter, Amanda Macik and Thomas Silloway was selected as a finalist in 2008.
For more information on the I/ITSEC Serious Game Challenge, click here.
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