CSC Ambassadors

Will Pressler

Hometown: Hampstead, NC
High School: Topsail High School
Activities: Intramural Basketball, App Development Club, Fishing

Awards & Honors: Dean's List, Benjamin Franklin Scholar, David W. and Anne B. Pearsall Engineering Scholarship

Anticipated Graduation Date: December 2025

What I plan to do after graduation: I have done undergraduate research and after graduation I plan to pursue a career in front-end development.

Why I Love Computer Science: I knew going into my freshman year at NC State that I wanted to be an engineer, but beyond that I was unsure of what to major in. I initially planned on majoring in biomedical engineering before switching to computer science after hearing about the booming tech industry and talking to people I knew in the field. Once my first computer science class started freshman year, I knew I had made the right choice. It is fulfilling to be able to solve challenging problems and continuously learn every day, two things I love to do. Computer science's wide applications and near infinite possibilities make it great for someone with diverse interests like myself, and I cannot wait to see where it takes me.

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