CSC Ambassadors

Griffith Baker

Hometown: Davidson, NC
High School: Community School of Davidson
Activities: Skiing (snow and water), Sailing, Biking & Guitar

Awards & Honors: Dean's List, Eagle Scout

Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2024

What I plan to do after graduation: I have interned with InStryde (a local startup) and Bandwidth, and currently plan to pursue a career in applied machine learning.

Why I Love Computer Science: I’ve always been fascinated with computer science for its boundless potential to create and innovate. The constant evolution and rapid advancements in technology (particularly machine learning) keeps me exhilarated and motivated, as I am always learning and incorporating new tools and techniques. Additionally, the collaborative nature of the field allows me to connect with others in the College of Engineering, fostering a sense of community and constant inspiration. Computer science empowers me to make a positive difference in the world, fueling my love for this ever-evolving discipline.

Email Griffith


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