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CSC eNewsletterWelcome to the online edition of CSC eNews, a monthly electronic newsletter for alumni and friends of the Department of Computer Science at NC State University. If you are a CSC alum and wish to be added to the email distribution
list, click
here. Corporate or individual friends of the department may be added
to our distribution list by sending an email request to Ken
Tate, Director of Development & External Relations for the NCSU
Department of Computer Science. September 29, 2006
On September 11, 2006, researchers in the United States and Japan demonstrated "automated" interoperability between network and computing resources in two national grid computing research testbeds - the first such demonstration of this scale between two countries of new, integrated computing and communication technology that can be used to exponentially enhance next-generation Internet performance. more Departmental Research Grants, Gifts, and Support Super ePartner, Tekelec has given the department
$27,000, as part of a larger support grant for both CSC and ECE. This
funding will support the Senior Design Center, the ePartners Program,
and the Women in Computer Science program. The Prometheus Group has donated $2,000 to the department
in support of the ePartners Program. We welcome Prometheus as our newest
ePartner. MCNC has provided Dr. Harry Perros an unrestricted
$10,000 award to support his research efforts on EnLIGHTened Computing.
Perros has also been selected to receive a 2006 IBM Faculty Award valued
at $15,000, becoming the third CSC faculty member to be awarded one of
these prestigious awards during the 2006-07 academic year. more Thanks to Dr. Munindar Singh for making a generous
donation to the Diversity in Computer Science Endowment. Total
pledges to this endowment, which supports the attraction and retention
of minorities and females to the field of computer science, is now at
almost $77,000. Dr. James Lester has partnered with researchers
from NC State's College of Education to obtain funding from the National
Science Foundation (NSF) of $605,436 for their research proposal
titled "Bayesian Pedagogical Agents for Dynamic High-Performance
Inquiry-Based Science Learning Environments." more Drs. George Rouskas and Rudra Dutta have
collaborated with the Research Triangle Institute (RTI) to obtain
funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF) of $400,000 for their
research proposal titled "NeTS-FIND: The SILO Architecture for
Services Integration, Control, and Optimization for the Future Internet." more Drs. Xiasong Ma and Vince Freeh have teamed
with Dr. John Blondin (Physics) and received funding from the National
Science Foundation (NSF) of $266,002 for their multi-disciplinary
research proposal titled "Application-adaptive I/O Stack for
Data-intensive Scientific Computing." more Dr. Ben Watson has received funding from the National
Science Foundation (NSF) of $60,000 for his research proposal titled "Hyper-Resolution
Rendering and Display." more Dr. Mladen Vouk, head of the department of computer
science at NC State University, is a co-PI involved a major research
initiative which has received funding from the National Science Foundation
(NSF) of $511,512 for a research proposal titled "Markers
of STEM Success (MOSS): An Eleven-Year Longitudinal Study of High Achieving
Young Women's Interests, Experiences, and Preparation For STEM Careers." more Dr. Laurie Williams has received funding from Nortel
Networks of approximately $46,000 to support her research proposal
titled "Hot Spot Identification and Test-Driven Development." The
award will run from August 15, 2006 through December 31, 2007. more Dr. Peng Ning has received funding from SRI International of
approximately $80,000 to support his research proposal titled "Cyber-TA:
NCSU: Large-Scale Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Intrusion Analysis." The
award will run from July 1, 2006 through July 14, 2007. more Drs. Peng Ning and Frank Mueller have received funding from the Army Research Office of $21,000 for their proposal titled "ARO Workshop on Security of Embedded Systems and Networks." The award will run from September 15, 2006 through September 14, 2007. more Local SIM Event Raises Money for CSC Scholarships The North Carolina Chapter of the Society for Information Management (NC-SIM) held a charity golf event recently to raise money for scholarship funds. At a reception after the event, a ceremonial check in the amount of $5,000 was presented to the department. Funds will provide for the renewal of two scholarships, valued at $2,500 each, to go to NC State CSC students, Kevin Herndon of Winston-Salem and Aaron Smith of Charlotte. more
If you live in one of the nation's top 20 markets, check out Newsweek magazine's October 9th issue, which will feature a special computer science advertising section. Our department will be represented in the section with a 1/6th page ad and a small descriptive paragraph. The ad, shown here, carries a "Design Your Future" theme, which will soon be featured in flash video on our main web page. CSC "Jobs List" Launched If you are a CSC student and would like to receive an automatic email notice whenever new postings are activated on the CSC online jobs board, you are invited to subscribe to the cscjobs list. We may also use the list to announce career fairs, company campus visits & info sessions, and other career related events and activities. This is an "opt-in" list, so you must subscribe to receive the notices. Students can subscribe via the Subscribe Interface at http://lists.ncsu.edu/cgi-bin/mj_wwwusr (type cscjobs in the Mailing List box and press Search) or by sending an email to: mj2@lists.ncsu.edu (leave Subject Line blank), in the body of the message type subscribe cscjobs, and then send your message. For more information about subscribing please check http://lists.ncsu.edu/. ePartner Career Connection Event Set for October 4th Students - please mark your calendars as our annual ePartners
Career Connection event is scheduled for AfterCollege.com to Offer Virtual Career Fair As communicated previously, the NCSU Department of Computer Science recently entered into a partnership with AfterCollege.com to provide you another valuable tool to assist in your job seeking needs, a FREE Job Resource Center accessible on the department's virtual Computer Science Career Services page. One of the many value-add services provided by AfterCollege is a Virtual Career Fair, Wednesday, November 1st through Friday, December 1st, where many of the nation's top employers are recruiting for internships, co-ops and full-time positions. Register online by September 30th and you will have VIP access to our Virtual Career Fair one week prior to the national launch. University Adopts New All-Campus ID Regulations The university has recently adopted a regulation that requires *ALL UNIVERSITY EMPLOYEES AND STUDENTS* to carry their All-Campus Card with them at all times while on campus. The new regulation can be found at http://www.ncsu.edu/policies/campus_environ/REG04.00.6.php. IBM Accessibility ODF Coding Challenge 2006 Accessibility is all about eliminating barriers. Smart design that adheres to accessibility guidelines makes it easier for people with disabilities to use online applications. Through its "Accessibility ODF Coding Challenge 2006", Super ePartner, IBM invites undergraduate students to learn more about accessible information technology and to create code that uses OpenDocument Format (ODF) to help make technology more accessible to people with disabilities. Two grand prize winners per region will receive a Lenovo ThinkPad laptop and a trip to attend the March, 2007 California State University, Northridge Center on Disabilities' 22nd Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities conference in Los Angeles. Ten regional runners up will receive an iPod® Nano, and 200 students per region will receive an official contest t-shirt. Students can review contest start dates and rules, and register at: http://www.ibm.com/able/contest/. CSC Faculty / Staff News Dr. Annie Antón has been appointed by Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Michael Chertoff to serve on the DHS Data Privacy and Integrity Advisory Committee. more Congratulations to Dr. Ben Watson and his wife, Polly, who are the proud parents of a new baby boy - Henry Benjamin Watson, born September 5. Henry weighed 7 lb. 7 oz. and was 20 1/4" long. All are doing great. We are sorry to report that department receptionist, Jenny Andrews, has resigned from the department. To fill this critical role, Carol Allen will be transferring from her previous administrative support role in the Undergraduate Advising Office. Temporary employee, Tari Ryan, will provide support for the Undergraduate Advising Office starting on September 29th. We are very pleased to welcome Ms. Kristen Jeffers, who joins us as a part-time intern in the office of External Relations. Kristen, a junior majoring in communications here at NC State, will help us write news copy, feature stories, and alumni profiles. CED's Tech 2006 Scheduled for October 11
ISSA's Triangle InfoSeCon Scheduled for October 26
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In the News
Grants Geared to Making U.S. Safer, story mentions NCSU's DARPA Grande Challenge entry and quotes Dr. Bob Fornaro, News & Observer, by Tim Simmons, September 10, 2006 Majoring in IBM - Dissatisfied With Graduates, Companies Design and Fund Curricula at Universities, story focuses on how IBM is working with NCSU on the content of the new courses to ensure students have the in-demand skills to compete in a global economy, Wall Street Journal, by Anne Marie Chaker, September 12, 2006 Inside the Web: HowStuffWorks, story features alum and former faculty, Marshall Brain, and his HowStuffWorks web site; Pest Control Buzz Online Newsletter, by Mike Seuffert, Sep. 25 Upcoming Events Oct 2 - Minority Career Fair - 1-7 PM in Reynolds Coliseum. This is the only non-college specific career fair on campus and one of the largest! (link) Oct 3 - Fall Engineering Career Fair - 9:30 am - 4:00 PM in the McKimmon Center. This is one of the largest career fairs in the country held specifically for engineering students. (link) Oct 4 - ePartners Career Connection Event - 10 am - 2:30 PM in EB2. This popular recruiting event for computer science students is offered exclusively to our ePartners. Oct 11 - CED's Tech 2006 - 9 am - 6 PM at NCSU's McKimmon Center. Oct 21 - NCSU Open House Oct 26 - ISSA's Triangle InfoSeCon - Cary Embassy Suites Hotel. Nov 1 - AfterCollege.com's Virtual Career Fair - This event runs through Dec 1 and requires registration. (link) Nov 4 - NCSU Homecoming - The Ramblin' Wreck from Georgia Tech takes on the Wolfpack. Nov 17 - General Hugh Shelton Leadership Forum - McKimmon Center (link) Nov 28 - ACM/AITP Mtg - 7-8 PM in Room TBD. Sponsored by ePartner, The Vanguard Group. Alumni News William Weiss (BS '76), chairman & CEO of The Promar Group, and member of the department's Strategic Advisory Board, was recently appointed as vice chairman of the board of directors for VOCEL of San Diego, CA, and chosen as adviser to the CEO and board of directors at Picsel Technologies, a software company headquartered in Glasgow. This eNewsletter is sponsored for the 2006-07 academic year by Network Appliance, a computer science Super ePartners Program company. |

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