Seminars & Colloquia

Bita Akram


"AI-Empowered Computer Science Education: Advancing Impact, Inclusion, and Timeliness"

Friday April 12, 2024 11:30 AM
Location: 3211, EB2 NCSU Centennial Campus
Zoom Meeting Info
(Visitor parking instructions)


Abstract: The surging interest in computer science education calls for robust, equitable, and scalable solutions to ensure engaging, impactful, and accessible CS education for a diverse range of students. My research aims to foster inclusive CS education through three main avenues: 1) developing personalized learning experiences to support students' cognitive endeavors, 2) conducting research in computing education to devise innovative, engaging, and relevant CS curricula and learning technologies, and 3) conducting evidence-based research to remove sociopsychological barriers for broadening participation in computing.


In this talk, I present my work on accurately assessing students' knowledge and skill acquisition processes (i.e., student modeling) to offer adaptive instructional support through AI-driven learning technologies. A prominent aspect of my work is investigating how unstructured learner behavioral data (e.g., coding artifacts), coupled with sequence-based and embedding-based inference models, can reveal students' unfolding conceptual understanding and cognitive processes of CS. Furthermore, I elaborate on my current and future plans for designing inclusive computing education to enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion. In conclusion, I articulate my vision for tackling the unprecedented impact of advanced generative AI technologies like CoPilot and ChatGPT on CS education, aiming to ensure its continued effectiveness and relevance within this dynamically evolving educational landscape.

Short Bio: Dr. Akram is a research assistant professor at North Carolina State University. She is the director of the AI-assisted learning lab. She got her Ph.D. from NC State University in 2019. Her research lies at the intersection of artificial intelligence, human-centered computing, and learning sciences with their application in CS education. Dr. Akram has led and continues to lead several NSF-funded research projects on creating AI-assisted learning environments for introductory CS classrooms and broadening participation in computing education.

Host: Tiffany Barnes, CSC

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