CSC News

November 09, 2004

Computer Science Well Represented at International Conference

NC State’s computer science department was well represented at the International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering [] held Nov. 2-5 in Saint Malo, France. Faculty, graduate and undergraduate students presented the following papers.

Reliability Talks/Papers
Mark Sherriff, doctoral student, and Laurie Williams, assistant professor: “Tool Support for Estimating Software Reliability in Haskell Programs.”

Empirical Studies Talks/Papers
Mark Sherriff, Laurie Williams, and Mladen Vouk, professor: “Using in-process metrics to predict defect density in Haskell programs”

Nachiappan Nagappan, doctoral student; Laurie Williams, Mladen Vouk and Jason Osborne, assistant professor of statistics: “Using in-process testing metrics to estimate software reliability: A feasibility study.”

Tools and Automation Talks/Papers
Martin Davidson, computer science undergraduate; Nachiappan Nagappan, Laurie Williams, Mladen Vouk: “GERT: An Empirical Reliability Estimation and Testing Feedback Tool”

Testing Talks/Papers
Kera Z. Bell, computer science graduate student, and Mladen Vouk: “Assessing N-Wise Approach For Use in System Security Testing.”

Security Talks/Papers
Kera Z. Bell and Mladen Vouk: “Effectiveness of stochastically generated dependencies in pairwise testing”

Quality Assurance Talks/Papers
Nachiappan Nagappan, Laurie Williams, J. Hudepohl, W. Snipes, and Mladen Vouk: “A Preliminary Investigation of Automated Software Inspection.”

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