CSC News

June 05, 2017

Army Research Office Supports Sullivan’s Research on Algorithms for Network Science

Dr. Blair Sullivan, associate professor of computer science at NC State University, has been awarded $538,199 by US Army – Army Research Office to support her research proposal entitled “Algorithms for Exploiting Approximate Network Structure (Research Area 10:  Network Science).”

The award will run from May 15, 2017 to May 14, 2020. 

Abstract – We propose a new framework for efficient, robust, and noise-tolerant network algorithms that guarantee near-optimal solutions to NP-hard problems by exploiting structure inherent in real-world networks. We model networks as consisting of a majority that belongs to a structural graph class, plus a few deviations resulting from measurement errors, unusual behaviors, and/or unexplained exceptions. We will develop algorithms which exploit this more approximate form of graph structure and guarantee near-optimal solutions and polynomial running time for any network that is “close'' to a structural graph class, initially focusing on hierarchical/tree-like networks (e.g. those arising in biology and social behavior).

For more information on Dr. Sullivan, click here.



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