CSC News

October 24, 2016

SAS Supports Healey’s Research on Deep Neural Nets

Dr. Christopher Healey, Goodnight Distinguished Professor in Advanced Analytics and Professor of Computer Science at NC State University, has been awarded $118,275 by SAS Institute to support his research proposal entitled “Visualizing Deep Neural Nets for Text Understanding.”
The award will run from August 16, 2016 to May 15, 2017. 
Abstract – Our goal in this project is to extend and improve an initial investigation of ways to visualize deep neural nets (DNNs) that was conducted in the last half of our 2015–2016 SAS research project. Based on a prototype developed during last year’s SAS project, we will: (1) develop methods to visualization convolution deep neural networks (CNNs) and recurrent deep neural networks (RNNs), and (2) design methods to query structural elements with a DNN to better understand its “purpose” in the overall context of how the neural network is performing its assigned task. Included in these two goals will be a study of how to scale the visualization to larger DNNs, and an investigation of whether achieving our two goals will assist designers in optimizing the DNNs they implement.
For more information on Dr. Healey, click here.

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