CSC 450 - Web Services

Catalog Description:

Concepts, theories, and techniques for Web services. This course examines architectures for Web applications based on the classical publish, find, and bind triangle. It considers the description, discovery, and engagement of Web services. It emphasizes Web service composition. Key topics include semantics, transactions, processes, agents, quality of service, and compliance.

Contact Hours: Prerequisites: CSC316 or ECE309
Co-requisites: None
Restrictions: None
Coordinator: Dr. Munindar P. Singh
Textbook: None

Course Outcomes:

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to model, create, and compose web services and to model and create distributed applications based on services.
  1. Design and launch web services and use services published by others
  2. Build reactive programming systems
  3. Develop actor-based distributed service systems
  4. Conceptually model web services and formulate specifications of them in the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and the Web Ontology Language (OWL)
  5. Apply principles of distributed transactions, business processes, business protocols, rules, and agents to specify, monitor, and manage the behavior of composed services
  6. Understand and apply concepts of communication and organizational modeling for realizing decentralized service-oriented systems
  7. Evaluate emerging and proposed standards for service architectures
  8. Specify application protocols to describe how services interact with each other
  9. Understand and apply modeling methods geared toward asynchronous interaction


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See Course Coordinators