NC State University

Department of Computer Science Colloquia 2000-2001

Date: Friday, February 23, 2001
Time:   3:30 P.M. (Talk)
Place: Withers 402-A, NCSU Historical Campus (click for courtesy parking request)

Speaker: Symeon Papavassiliou, New Jersey Institute of Technology

Recent Advances in Network Management, Control and Operations

Abstract:  In this presentation we discuss several aspects related to the recent advances in the management and control of computer communication networks. In the first part of our presentation we present methodologies and algorithms that we developed in order to enhance the proactive and adaptive detection of network/service anomalies (failures and performance degradations) in transaction-based Wide Area Networks (WANs). Proactive detection of network failures and performance degradations is a key to rapid fault recovery and thus robust networking. The proposed proactive network/service anomaly detection method detects network/service performance degradations and failures in multiple service-class networks, where performances of service classes are mutually dependent and strongly correlated, and where external or environmental factors (e.g., non-managed or non-monitored equipment within customer premises) can strongly impact network and service performances. Specifically we describe and implement algorithms that (1) sample and convert raw transaction records to service-class based performance data in which potential network anomalies are highlighted, (2) construct adaptive and service-class based performance thresholds for real-time detection of network and service anomalies, and (3) perform real-time network anomaly detection. We present real-life examples to demonstrate the capabilities of the proposed method to proactively detect network/service anomalies which can easily elude detection by the traditional alarm-based network monitoring systems.

In the second part of the presentation we emphasize on routing and management aspects in mobile ad hoc wireless networks. Specifically, we describe an integrated proactive routing and mobility management strategy that makes feasible the realization of a flat single-tier architecture in mobile ad hoc networks. The integration of the routing and mobility management functions is achieved via the use of the geographic position reporting mechanism and the generalization of the zone routing concept. The underlying principle behind the proposed strategy is to reduce the network routing overhead by making the accuracy of the routing information in each node Ñinversely proportionalâ to its distance from any other node in the network. One important advantage of using position for routing is its inherent ability to alleviate the need for the development of separate complicated techniques for mobility management. In summary the proposed technique has the following advantages: a) It makes feasible the realization of a flat routing architecture, b) it minimizes the amount of initial manual configuration required to set-up the network, thus making the network completely self-organizing, c) it eliminates the need for having multiple tiers, and backbones, thus making the network robust and completely `fluid' in nature, and d) it makes feasible the use of motion prediction techniques, which can be used to provide additional reduction of position update overhead.

Short Bio: Dr. Symeon Papavassiliou received the Diploma in Electrical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, in 1990 and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, New York in 1992 and 1995 respectively. From 1995 to 1996 Dr. Papavassiliou was a Technical Staff Member at AT&T Bell Laboratories in Holmdel, New Jersey, and from 1996 to August 1999 he was a Senior Technical Staff Member at AT&T Laboratories in Middletown, New Jersey. From June 1996 till August 1999 he was also an Adjunct Professor at the Electrical Engineering Department of Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY. Since August 1999 he has been an Assistant Professor at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, New Jersey. Dr. Papavassiliou was awarded the Best Paper Award in INFOCOM'94 and the "AT&T Division Recognition and Achievement Award" in 1997. Dr. Papavassiliou has an established record of publications, he has been a reviewer for many journals, conferences, and for the National Science Foundation (NSF). Dr. Papavassiliou is acting as External Technical Auditor/Evaluator for the European Commission's Advanced Communications Technology and Services Research Programs. His main research interests lie in the areas of computer and communication networks with emphasis on wireless communications and high-speed networks, network design and management, TCP/IP and internetworking, computer network modeling and performance evaluation and optimization of stochastic systems. Dr.Papavassiliou is a member of IEEE.

Host: H. Perros, Computer Science, NCSU

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