NC State University

Department of Computer Science

Colloquia in Computer Science 2001-2002

Colloquia in this series are a forum for visiting researchers from academia and industry as well as for NCSU faculty. The research topics introduced by the speakers may span all areas of computer science.

Nominally,  colloquia in this series are held on the Historical NCSU Campus in Withers 402A at  4:00 PM. Changes in time and place will be accomodated to suit the schedule of the speaker. For more details and specifics about the time and place of any talk,

             please see this year's  list of scheduled seminars

            For more information about parking, click here.

Faculty, students, and off-campus visitors are invited to attend any  colloquia listed on these pages. Similarly, you are invited to attend the talks in the complementary  Triangle Computer Science Distinguished Lecturer Series.

Additional seminars for which graduate students in Computer Science at NCSU may earn credit are listed under  seminars.

Suggestions about the potential speakers and the format of this seminar series are solicited and always welcome. Please, mail them to

Franc Brglez

To review the  2000-2001 schedule, click here.
To review the  1999-2000 schedule, click here.
To review the 1998-1999 schedule, click here.
To review the 1997-1998 schedule, click here.